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JOHN 6:51
The US Catholic bishops began a three-year Eucharistic Revival to lead us all to a greater appreciation of Jesus’ True Presence in the Holy Eucharist. This began on the Feast of Corpus Christi on June 19, 2022. For years, studies have shown that Catholics misunderstand the meaning of the Eucharist, seeing it as a mere symbol and not the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. As the Eucharist is Jesus’ abiding presence in our lives and churches, we need to bring Jesus to the center of our worship.
At Christmas, we celebrate God entering into our human family and transforming it from the inside out. Similarly, in the Eucharist, Jesus becomes our Bread of Life and nourishes us on his own divine life. We are perfecting the image and likeness of God within us. This is why the Eucharist is so central to our faith, unity, worship and spiritual growth.
For More Information:
Eucharistic Revival
Phase 1
June 19, 2022 – June 11, 2023
This first year of the Revival invites diocesan staff, bishops, and priests to respond to the Lord’s personal invitation and equips them to share this love with the faithful through eucharistic congresses and events.
Phase 2
(We Are Here)
June 11, 2023 – July 17, 2024
The second phase will foster Eucharistic devotion at the parish level, strengthening our liturgical life through faithful celebration of the Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, missions, resources, preaching, and organic movements of the Holy Spirit.
Phase 3
July 17 – 21, 2024
At this historic event, more than 80,000 Catholics of all ages will gather in Indianapolis to reconsecrate their hearts to the source and summit of our faith. This will take place at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, IN.
Phase 4
July 21, 2024 – Pentecost 2025
Having enkindled a missionary fire in the hearts of the American faithful, the Holy Spirit will send us out on mission to share the gift of our Eucharistic Lord as we enter the universal Church’s jubilee year in 2025.